What is The Michigan Assembly?
The Michigan Assembly is the land and soil jurisdiction government of Michigan.
Our purposes are:
- To restore the de jure government of Michigan.
- To restore the Michigan state and county court system to American Common Law Courts.
- To offer rescue to the people of Michigan who have been placed into a false identity status at the time of birth, or sometime during their lives.
Who We Are
We are Americans living within the physical borders of Michigan, one of the 50 States of the Union.
We are Michiganians.
We are reconstructing the Land Jurisdiction Government that existed before the American Civil War in the 1860’s.
We are the only people with “standing” to do that.
What is “standing?”
We are standing on the Land. We have corrected our political status to what it was when we were born.
When our mothers signed our “birth certificates,” it changed our political status. We were no longer people on the Land; we were “persons” on the Sea.
What does that mean? No, you were not taught about this in school. You have some studying to do. We can help point you in the right direction.
Who We Are Not
We are not “U.S. Citizens.”
We are not “citizens of the United States.”
Those are foreign political statuses in jurisdictions most people do not belong in. They are inferior and they are “legal fictions.”
Yes, you have some things to learn.
U.S. Citizens are British “Tories” and they operate on the Jurisdiction of the Sea. People serving in the U.S. Armed Forces are in this jurisdiction. They are indentured servants and are considered to be employees or dependents of the U.S. Government.
The U.S. Government is a corporation with many corporation franchises working for the British Monarch and the Pope.
Citizens of the United States are SLAVES of the Pope’s MUNICIPAL corporations and their many franchises.
McDonald’s has franchises and so do these corporations that provide “essential government services.” Their only purpose is to make a profit.
These corporations are like the butlers and maids working for a Landlord of a large estate, who have tied up the Landlord and locked him in the cellar. Americans (Michiganians) are the Landlord.
The “Landlord” is no longer in the cellar. He is home and he is cleaning up the mess.
What Must Be Done
The Michigan Government must be reconstructed.
The government services corporations have been running things since the Civil War, and foreigners run those corporations. They are supposed to be doing their jobs as defined by the constitutions.
Constitutions are essentially contracts for services, and there are more than one.
Americans (Michiganians) stand under the Unanimous Declaration of Independence of 1776. They wrote the constitutions and must enforce them on the foreign corporations.
The American Civil War was not a “war.” It was a mercenary conflict for profit and it was instigated by the Popes and the British Monarch.
They lost control of the American Land Jurisdiction in the Revolution, and they failed to retake the land in the War of 1812. They finally took control by deceit in the 1860’s.
There was never any “Reconstruction.” We are doing it now.
In order to reconstruct the Land Jurisdiction Government, people must have standing. Everyone who is going to participate in this must get themselves back on the “Land” before they can do anything.
Reclaiming Political Status
This is done by each man and woman publicly stating their intent to return to the Land of their birth, or their naturalization. It involves signing documents to reverse the fraud that was committed against them through the birth certificate.
People will work with “Recording Secretaries” to complete specific forms and have them notarized. The Recording Secretary will then help them publish their documents on the Public Record.
Reconstructing the Government
The American (Michiganian) will then notify certain officials of the government-services corporations about their change in political status. They will do that by Registered Mail. Those activities will also be published on the Public Record.
When that is done, the individual man or woman will be “standing” on the Land and will have authority to help reconstruct the government.
Michiganians in The Michigan Assembly are working to get things running again like they were before 1860. It used to work very well, but there is nobody alive today who knows what it looked like.
The Federation of States is helping us. We need lots of help; it is a big job.
Come and join us!